When we launched The Sisters Wine in 2015, we had a vision. We wanted our wines to be part of a movement that celebrated and acknowledged women for the extraordinary things they do, every day. Every day, we’re achieving a huge amount, juggling all kinds of activities from looking after the home and family (young, elderly, and in-between), to community stuff and oh yes, working! There’s a never-ending ‘to do’ list. And yet those messages keep coming at us to be the ‘perfect woman’, to do more, be more, achieve more, give more.
Oh, come on! Enough. We’re already achieving a huge amount every day. Our ‘small’ everyday things that we take for granted, matter. This our daily, weekly recipe or formula that keeps our personal world turning and is a huge part of what makes our lives what they are, every day. This is enough. We are enough. You are enough!
And that’s why, as well as acknowledging the everyday things we do, we also wanted these wines to be at the heart of girlfriends getting together to celebrate their friendships, whether that be engrossed in conversation, in fits of laughter or anything in between. It’s often our girlfriends who fall to the bottom of the list. We don’t even seem to have the time to pick up the phone to chat, and yet these are ‘our people’, they understand, and their friendships are unfailing. They lead a similar life juggling work and family, community, and home. The connection between us is always there, it’s a given. And there’s really no need to explain – it’s understood. So, when we do get together, it’s as if it was only yesterday when we last saw each other – hugs and smiles, laughter and understanding.
It’s like a tonic! We make each other feel good! We share our frustrations, aspirations, ideas and challenges – we chat about our partners, our families, our work – the good and bad and the downright ugly! We leave feeling recharged. These girlfriends, whether they’re from school or uni, our mum, colleague or sister, are our confidantes. Their friendship is like therapy – their ability to listen and not judge, to encourage us, help us celebrate or commiserate. Just to be there for us. And it goes both ways – we feel good when we are there for someone, let them download, share their dreams and ideas, or worries and concerns. There’s an honesty in true friendship that is perhaps the most precious thing. When we want help or an opinion, we know our girlfriends will be there to tell us what they think – they are both genuine and loyal.

Wine undoubtedly plays a role in our lives: to enjoy at the end of a long day, to celebrate with, to pair with great food, to share and enjoy. What better way to stop and acknowledge all that we do and the sisters who are right there doing it with us. The Sisters – wine for women who do extraordinary things, every day. That’s us.